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Hey! I'm Pegah,

A Product Designer with a visual merchandising and client experience background.

My unique journey has required grit, creative problem-solving, and collaboration to solve tricky design challenges in fast-paced environments

Why UX design?

Realizing the significance of human connection led me to pivot my career towards UX/UI design, blending my background in BFA Digital Media with a keen understanding of human emotions and behaviors.

In my design journey, I hold collaboration, attention to detail, and clear communication in high regard.

Living in different countries has broadened my horizons, exposing me to diverse perspectives and aesthetics, which have enriched my design sensibilities.

As a UX/UI designer, my aim is to create designs that truly connect with users, offering seamless and delightful experiences influenced by the vibrant cultures I've experienced along the way.

If my work resonates with your vision, I would be honored to join your journey in crafting meaningful stories through design.


Area of expertise

User Research

Research Analysis

Interaction Design

Usability Testing

Creative Ideation


Content Strategy



Currently learning

Project Management

Video editing

3D modeling


...and more!


Aside from Designing

I dabble in illustration

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